Frequently Asked Questions About Trademarks

What is trademark?
How to select a good trademark?
What is the function of a trademark?
Who can apply for trademark and how?
What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?
Who benefits from a trademark?
What are the benefits of registering a trademark?
What are the sources of trademark laws?
What does the Register of trademark contain?
Can correction be made in application or register?
Can a registered trademark be removed from the register?
Definition of Trademark
A trademark is made of
Types of Trademarks
Basics of a Trademark
Essential function of a Trademark
Choosing a good trademark
Whether registrable and protectable
What to choose as trademark
What should be avoided while choosing a trademark
Inherent distinctiveness
What trademark is distinctive?
Factual distinctiveness
Acquired distinctiveness
Who may apply for trademark?
Individual/Sole Proprietor
Partnership Firm
Joint Applicant
Who may apply for trademark?
Individual/Sole Proprietor
Partnership Firm
Joint Applicant
What is trademark?
How to select a good trademark?
What is the function of a trademark?
Who can apply for trademark and how?
What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?
Who benefits from a trademark?
What are the benefits of registering a trademark?
What are the sources of trademark laws?
What does the Register of trademark contain?
Can correction be made in application or register?
Can a registered trademark be removed from the register?
Definition of Trademark
A trademark is made of
Types of Trademarks
Basics of a Trademark
Essential function of a Trademark
Choosing a good trademark
Whether registrable and protectable
What to choose as trademark
What should be avoided while choosing a trademark
What is trademark?
How to select a good trademark?
What is the function of a trademark?
Who can apply for trademark and how?
What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?
Who benefits from a trademark?
What are the benefits of registering a trademark?
What are the sources of trademark laws?
What does the Register of trademark contain?
Can correction be made in application or register?
Can a registered trademark be removed from the register?
Forms used in Trademark Office
✓Form TM A:
✓Form TM O:
✓Form TM R
✓Form TM P:
✓Form TM U:
✓Form TM C:
✓Form TM M:
✓Form TM G: